Accessible Metallurgy

Education & Consulting

Consulting Services

I can be your metallurgist. I want to provide the level of support your business needs without the expense of a full time staff metallurgist.

  • Drawing Review

  • Analysis of Results

  • Metallurgical Support [Meetings, Reports]

  • Material Selection

  • Vendor Qualification & Assessment

  • Material Certification

Some example services include:

Education and Training

I offer metallurgical training targeted to your engineers, supervisors, operators or management in the form of engaging and interactive courses (Virtual or In-person)

Available Classes:

  • Metallurgy Executive Summary

    (2 Hours) Aimed at a non-technical audience, this course offers an introduction to metallurgy and how it interacts with manufacturing processes. Time included for discussion of company specific issues. Topics include Common Alloys, Processing Methods, Materials Testing and Failure Analysis.

  • Fundamentals of Heat Treatment

    (6 Hours, Flexible Scheduling Available) This course is geared toward practical knowledge and applications, benefitting those who work at the frontlines of heat treatment. Topics include Thermodynamics Basics, Common Heat Treatment Cycles, Heat Treatment Equipment, Measurements & Testing, Common Heat Treatment Issues

  • Fundamentals of Metallurgy

    (1 Week) Comprehensive review of metallurgy suitable for laboratory and engineering personnel. Eligible for PE Continuing Education Credits. Topics include Structures of Metal, Phase Diagrams, Strengthening Mechanisms, Microstructures and Characterization, Steel Basics, Manufacturing Overview, Welding and Joining, Heat Treatment Basics, Corrosion and Environments, Mechanical Testing Basics